St. Michael's CE School
Working Together For The Good Of All
“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”
Our Pupil Voice Faith Group was established in 2018. The Pupil Faith Group has a vital role in our Church of England school and their responsibilities include:
1) Being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian Values
2) Planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship
3) Organising and running fundraising events for our chosen charities
5) Working with the wider school community to promote ‘Home School Values’.
The Pupil Faith Group meet fortnightly with Miss Cunningham to discuss developments in RE for our school.
Pupil Voice: What does it mean to be in a Church School?
At St. Michael’s we pride ourselves on being recognised by the wider community as a centre of reconciliation and support. It is a place where pupils are given opportunities to reflect and ‘move on’ positively. Our pupils are confident and articulate and can talk about forgiveness and reconciliation as one of life’s skills. Below are some pupil voice quotes:
“I think it’s important to be part of a school community like ours because we learn more about the Bible and we have worship assemblies. I like that we have a worship theme each week as it helps us to reflect on how we behave and think of others.”
“It is important to be part of a Church school as we get opportunities to connect with the community through church services. We also have many opportunities to reflect and spend time in worship to think about the less fortunate and how we can make a difference.”
“I like the RE lessons as they help me to think about my faith and also develop a greater understanding of other faiths in our world. Our school helps us to learn about other faiths”.
“I know that our school helps us to think of others, to forgive and show compassion. The school helps me to do all these things through worship and the RE lessons which teachers make enjoyable.”
Pupil Voice: Why is it important to have RE lessons and what do we gain from it?
“The most important aspects of RE is learning about God, exploring different topics to do with their lives and studying other religions.”
“Studying other religions helps us respect and understand other people and was an aspect of RE that we particularly enjoy. The different topics we cover help us to reflect on our own lives and prepare us for the future.”