St. Michael's CE School

Working Together For The Good Of All

“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”


A warm welcome to St. Michael's...

The Staff, Governors, children and parents would like to welcome you and your family to our school. We are delighted that you have chosen our school as the foundation stone for your child’s educational journey and trust that the next seven years will be an exciting adventure and one of enjoyment and learning for your child and one that they will look fondly back upon in years to come as well as one of partnership with you,

As a parent, you have a vital role to play in your child’s education and so we begin our association with you by extending the hand of partnership to you and look forward to working with you to fulfil our school Mission, Vision and Motto.

As you begin this educational journey with your child, we feel it is important that you have all the information that will give an overview of what your child can expect to learn at their new school as well as learn all about the procedures we have in place to ensure their academic, social and pastoral development from now until they leave us aged 11.

The information links are an important source for all new parents to view and digest. It may seem a daunting task to have to do this, but it is VITAL that you as the parent do have an overview and an understanding of what is expected.The information below and links will enable you to enrol your child at our school once the acceptance letters have been received.

Please note: We hold 1:1 meetings during the first days of the school term. We will contact you about these in due course.

A Step By Step Guide for Parents to Follow

Here is a step by step guide on what to do by when as you prepare your child to join St Michael’s CE School. We ask that you follow each step to ease enrolment. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the information and complete the all important forms by the deadlines given. Thank you.

STEP 1: Proof of Address and Date of Birth

You will have already received a letter about bringing your child’s proof of ID/Birth Certificate, you will then be given the following letter giving details of the Early Years Transition Meeting.  

STEP 2: Enrolment Forms – Please follow each link and complete the forms and return them to the School Office.

STEP 4: Meals and Milk

STEP 5: General Information

STEP 6: PTA Letter of Welcome

STEP 7: Wrap Around Care Information

STEP 8: Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Clearance In Order To Help In School