St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
Social Emotional Mental Health Needs
At St Michael’s, we provide academic, social and emotional support for all pupils throughout their Primary years. In order to support children at various stages in their school life, we have a number of focused programmes available in school.
In summary, these include: peer mentors, who are our playground champions and our Nurture Teaching Assistant, for pupils who require small group or 1:1 support. We also have self-referral systems such as Class Worry Boxes (KS1), The Listening Post - email or postbox (KS2) and the Inclusion 'Red Dot'.
Nurture Assistant
Alongside the Inclusion team, the Nurture Assistant works with children to:
Recognise their own and others’ emotions
Develop better social skills
Improve their friendship skills
Develop strategies for managing anger
Deal with loss and bereavement
What does SEMH Support look like at St Michael’s?
Working with children on a regular weekly basis, for 20-30 minutes face to face and additional time for reflective records.
Sessions may be individual or small group, and tailored to the child’s individual needs.
Sessions include a range of aspects, such as board games and stories. Sessions include a time to talk. The sessions will be individualised and tailored to the needs of the child. Pupil progress will be reviewed half termly.
Parents/ carers play a crucial role in determining the success of this support. Please do inform the class teacher if there are any issues affecting your child.
The Retreat
The Retreat is a quiet space available for all children to be able to come to. We have created this space with children's mental health in mind, offering soft cushions, beanbags, lava lamps and soft music to create a comfortable and restful space. Resources available in this room include well-being reading books, colouring books, pencils, mindfulness activities, games, toys to promote talk and a space to share their worries. Children who receive sessions that focus on anger management, social anxiety, and stress management are all able to receive their sessions in this room from our Nurture Assistant.
Educational Psychology Services
The Schools and Community Psychology Service (SCPS) is a team of Psychologists, Trainee Psychologists and Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHWs).
They use their knowledge of psychology to analyse and help make sense of the real-world situations and complex problems affecting the lives of children and young people and those who live and work with them.
As part of the Wandsworth Council they are a key service contributing to work that aims to improve educational, social and mental health outcomes for children and young people living and being educated in Wandsworth.
Educational Psychology Services
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)
At St Michael’s we have a long-standing working partnership with the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) based at Victoria Drive, SW18 and a number of children have greatly benefited from this over the years. The effects are long lasting for children and their families.
Children receiving support at the PRU generally attend over two terms, twice a week to develop their learning, confidence and behaviour. At the PRU, children forge good relations with staff and other children who attend, they benefit from support in a small group or in smaller school.
Staff at St Michael’s and the PRU share successes and the children are aware of this with the knowledge that all are working in partnership to enable children to flourish and thrive to reach their God given potential.
The PRU works in partnership with St Michael’s and outside agencies in terms of multi-agency work and advice has been shared and implemented. We have also worked successfully with the Clinical Psychologist based at the PRU through a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) group as well as in school support, and a systemic Family Therapist. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and the PRU's timely support has proven invaluable to children and their families.
Please click on the link below to find out more about the PRU.
Link for: Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Victoria Drive
Shine: Promoting a healthy identity among girls
At St. Michael’s we have introduced a new course to promote positive identity, mental and emotional well-being among girls, called ‘Shine’. The course celebrates everyone’s uniqueness and value, in line with our school vision, and helps equip and empower girls to make decisions that shape their future in a positive way, setting goals and building confidence to live out their God-given purpose. The course is very popular with the girls and they are enjoying learning about their God-given identity!
This is what some of the girls have said about the ‘Shine’ course:
“SHINE is a time for us to get together to understand we have purpose and we are special. SHINE encourages us to show our true selves to the world.”
“SHINE is helpful because no matter what people say to you or how people treat you, you can be strong and your value will never change.”
“SHINE is teaching me not to compare myself to others because that can make you feel bad on the inside.”
“SHINE helps me build stronger, more positive thoughts about myself.”
“I like SHINE because we get to talk about how we’re feeling and express ourselves in a safe environment.”
It's OK, to not be OK!
Mental Health - need help right now?
KOOTH - Online counselling (anonymous) -
Childline - Help and Advice - 0800 1111
Samaritains Helpline - open until 9pm every day - 116123
CAMHS Access Service - Assessments within 14 days - 020 3513 4644
24 Hour Crisis Help - via your GP and A&E at St George's Hospital
Additional Information
Please see below some links to websites that offer help and advice in this area:
Meet Olle, a virtual friend developed by parent zone and funded by BBC Children in Need’s ‘A Million and Me’ initiative. Aimed at 8-11 year olds and their parents Olle helps families talk about difficult topics.
Click the link: Parent Zone – Ollee
Wandsworth Children & Young People’s Wellbeing Service deliver individual programmes to support parents with children who are showing signs of anxiety or worry, or experiencing behavioural difficulties. They offer strategies and tools to help you support your child and feel more confident in responding to your child’s behaviour. If you are interested in accessing their support contact
Young Minds
Young Minds has a wealth of practical advice and tips on supporting your child which includes how to help them communicate their worries and anxieties. They also have a Parents Helpline who can provide advice and support if you're worried about a child or young person.
Follow this link: Young Minds