St. Michael's Church of England School

Love - Serve - Grow

"Working together for the good of all"


Here at St. Michael’s, we have developed our own methodology around Growth Mindset as well as a whole series of supporting documents; both to support you as parents and so the children at St. Michael’s can extend themselves fully.

For more information about what we do using Growth Mindset, please see the documents attached and the information below:

Growth Mindset Theory

In a nutshell, it is all about what individuals believe about their ability to learn new things. Many people have a ‘fixed’ mindset, which leads them to believe that intelligence and abilities are fixed, and that a person cannot improve upon their ability to do something. People with a fixed mindset will often say things like, ‘There’s no point in trying, because I won’t be able to do it,’ or ‘I’ve never been any good at…’ They will give up on challenging tasks easily, or avoid activities they have found difficult in the past. They tend to focus heavily on the result of a task, rather than the effort required achieving it.

 Babies and young children are excited to learn on their own terms, but as soon as children become able to compare themselves with others, many become more focused on performance (results) rather than effort. This attitude can also be common amongst parents, who are often extremely keen to know things such as spelling test results and book levels and to make comparisons with other children.

However, research shows that humans’ brains have a quality known as ‘neuroplasticity’ – in other words, it is actually possible to learn new things and make new connections between the neurons in our brains, even as we progress through into adulthood. People who innately recognise this fact tend to bounce back quickly from failures and setbacks and are more likely to explore how they can get better at doing something. They are described as having a ‘growth’ mindset; they do not define themselves by the outcomes of tasks but by the effort put in.

In summary, people with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence and ability are fixed – something that we are born with and that we can’t really do anything about. People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and ability can be developed through persistence, effort, learning from our mistakes and trying different strategies.

Why Develop a Growth Mindset?

It makes sense that having a growth mindset is likely to lead to greater emotional well-being. People with a fixed mindset tend to feel that they fail at things because they are ‘just not good enough’. They feel they have no control over their abilities and are helpless in the face of difficulties, and this can lead to self-esteem issues. Ironically, it is often the ‘more able’ pupils in a school who have a fixed mindset as they are used to finding many things relatively easy; so when faced with something more challenging they will often avoid it completely or suffer damage to their self-esteem. However, pupils who find learning more challenging will often have more of a growth mindset, as they are used to setbacks; they are more able to celebrate small gains and improvements rather than focussing on results.

Growth Mindset in School

At St. Michael’s we are embracing Growth Mindset theory. We encourage the children to use setbacks and difficulties to motivate them; they celebrate effort rather than just results and encourage pupils to accept challenges with a sense of achievement for trying. Evidence shows that this makes pupils more motivated, more engaged with their learning and more likely to put in effort to seek improvement. These are our goals and we have introduced our Growth Mindset characters to support with this across the school.

Examples of some things we do are:

Helping Your Child Develop a Growth Mindset

Clearly, it will be beneficial for children if these messages are also being reinforced at home. Try these simple strategies: