St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
At St. Michael’s we firmly believe that a cohesive community is one where:
There is a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities;
The diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued;
Those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities; and
Strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds and circumstances in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods.
Promoting community cohesion at St. Michael's
At St. Michael’s, we believe that community cohesion plays an extremely important role in a child’s education and development, equipping them with valuable life skills. We are therefore very proud of our happy caring community atmosphere where children can develop as individuals but still be part of our Christian family. We are constantly seeking to encourage children to understand their role in the school, local and global communities and to become responsible junior citizens.
St. Michael’s is part of a wonderful community that we value greatly; as a school we strive to make positive contributions to the lives of those around us, for example by writing Christmas cards for local elderly residents as part of Age UK Wandsworth's 'Operation Christmas Cheer.'
All staff have received training in promoting citizenship, British values and community cohesion. They have also received PREVENT Training so that any extremist views can be identified and challenged.
Equality and diversity
St. Michael’s recognises that the Equality Act 2010 has replaced all existing legislation and we welcome our duty to have regard for the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations.
At St. Michael’s we are committed to promoting equality and community cohesion and eliminating discrimination and harassment. Through our Christian ethos, Mission Statement and commitment to the Fundamental British Values, we will continuously strive to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Each person in our school community will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of their gender, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, sexuality, special educational needs, disability, ability and age. Please refer to our Equality Policy and Objectives under the School Policies tab for more information on our equality practices and procedures.
Each year we conduct a review of our equality objectives and these can be found in the links below.
Accessibility Plan
As part of our duties under the Equalities Act and St. Michael’s aims to continue to improve access for disabled pupils, staff and visitors to the school and to increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability. The Headteacher and Board of Governors have updated our Accessibility Plan, which sets out how this can be achieved. Please refer to the School Policies tab for our Accessibility Policy.