St. Michael's Church of England School

Love - Serve - Grow

"Working together for the good of all"


At our school, our values of Love, Serve, and Grow guide everything we do, with a shared commitment to keeping our children safe at the heart of our mission.

Staff and Governors believe that our school should be a calm, safe, and nurturing environment where every child can flourish academically, personally, and spiritually. We aim to create a space where children feel confident to express themselves and are supported by the wisdom and love of God.

We recognise that every member of staff has a vital role in protecting pupils from harm. As a school community, we embrace both our legal and moral responsibility to ensure that every child receives the highest level of care and is safeguarded from any form of harm, fostering a culture of humility, gentleness, and compassion in all that we do.

The staff are knowledgeable about what issues may be of particular concern



All staff, governors and volunteers have read, understood and agreed to comply with the statutory guidance – Keeping Children Safe in Education.

At St. Michael’s we take notice of and adhere to all the national and local policies and guidance in regard to Safeguarding Children and Young People.

If you have concerns about a child, please contact the school safeguarding team: Tel no: 0208 874 7786



If you have immediate concerns about the safety of a child, please contact Wandsworth MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) Tel no: 0208 871 6000 



In an emergency contact the Police by calling 999.


You could also call the NSPCC Freephone Child Protection Helpline on 0808 800 5000.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for safeguarding and child protection.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Angela Harris - Headteacher

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Gemma Jennings - Acting Deputy Headteacher and Hayley Bostock - Assistant Headteacher

The Designated Safeguarding Governor is: John Whitehouse - Co-Chair

The key role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead is to:

Looked after Children (LAC) & Internationally Adopted Previously Looked After Children (IAPLAC) 

At St. Michael’s we are fully committed to the well-being of all our pupils.  We do recognise that children who are designated as “Looked After Children (LAC)” including the  "Internationally Adopted Previously Looked After Children" (IAPLAC) due to their social circumstances may require additional support.  We have designated members of staff and Governors who oversee and support this area.

The Designated Teacher for LAC/IAPLAC at St. Michael’s CE School is Mrs Jenny Constable (SENCo)

The Designated Governor Safeguarding and LAC/IAPLAC Lead at St. Michael’s CE School is Mr John Whitehouse (Co-Chair of the Board of Governors)

The designated LAC/IAPLAC Leads must:

1st of the Month Monitoring

There are a series of 1st of the month checks which take place to ensure school compliance. They are as follows:

Children Missing in Education

At St. Michael’s CE School we have a due regard to ensure that we are aware of when children are not attending school and are potentially deemed ‘missing from education’. Knowing where children are during school hours is an extremely important aspect of safeguarding. Missing school can be an indicator of abuse and neglect and may also raise concerns about others safeguarding issues, including the criminal exploitation of children.

We will always follow up with parents/carers when pupils are not at school. This means we need to have a least two up to date contacts numbers for parents/carers as well as two additional non parent/carers points of contacts. We ask that parents remember to update the school as soon as possible if the numbers change.

Safer Recruitment

The Leadership and Board of Governors of the school ensure that we have robust safer recruitment procedures in place. All aspects of safer recruitment are followed when appointing staff and Governors to any post / role at our school preventing the risk of allegations about adults who may be a risk to children working in our school.  Any issues that are identified prior to start are acted upon following the advice from our HR consultants and the Local Authority. 

The Senior Leadership Team, School Business Manager and two governors have received Safer Recruitment Training.


Whether on a computer at school, a laptop at home, a games console or mobile phone, children and young people are increasingly accessing the internet whenever they can and wherever they are. As you would protect your child in the real world, you will want to make sure that they are safe whatever they are doing. Like learning to cross the road, online safety skills are skills for life. If your child understands the risks and can make sensible and informed choices online, they can get the most from the internet and stay safe. that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God... Colossians 1:10