St. Michael's Church of England School

Love - Serve - Grow

"Working together for the good of all"


At St Michael's we value what makes our community different. 

We actively promote that 'everyones is different and everyone has a contribution to make' and this is achieved and celebrated throughout our curriculum and worship.

As a school we follow the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education  RE curriculum guidance which covers a wide range of world religions and is a reflection of our Church school community. The Board of Governors and school have agreed to develop the knowledge and understanding of the following world religions: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism in conjunction with Christianity, our foundation faith as a Church school. Our children also help us to explore other faiths which they study outside of school and help with their spiritual, holistic and rounded understanding of religion as a whole.

Through our diverse cultural community, we recognise and value festivals that link to the cultural heritage and traditions of our families. Our parents are an excellent resource which we utilise regularly to share their personal experiences.

St. Michael’s has an inclusive culture, where all children are welcomed and valued through their learning and personal achievements whatever their additional educational needs. We are committed to ensuring that all children engage positively with the curriculum and consult with specialists’ support where needed. 

We are extremely privileged to have a multilingual school where both our teachers and pupils speak over 25 different languages. See the extensive dialects spoken here: Languages at St. Michael's.

We have themed weeks where we are able to explore and celebrate as a school community our culture, heritage and differences such as International Week, Mental Health Week, Trips to religious buildings, visiting workshops, theatre groups and speakers. 

Rights Respecting Article Links

Rights Respecting Article 2: Non discrimination

 The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

Rights Respecting Article 14: Freedom of thought, belief and religion

 Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up. 

Curriculum Links

Promoting British Values 

SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development)