St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
Welcome to the Inclusion TEAM's Website Pages
At St Michael's our Inclusion Team work to ensure that any pupil that has additional educational needs or a disability (SEND) is identified and support is provided.
We work through the delivery of our Mission and Vision to create a 'culture where pupils whatever their background, disability, ethnicity, gender, identity, learning difficulty, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation are comfortable as the person God made them to be. Pupils take a lead in challenging prejudicial behaviour and language' (Valuing All Gods Children, Church of England Education Office, 2019).
All children will fall into one of the four areas of additional need:
If parents would like any help or advice in relation to the Inclusion processes they can contact the Inclusion Team at the following email address:
The Inclusion Team strive to work in partnership with parents to achieve the best outcomes for children with additional educational needs or disabilities. Parents and children are fully involved throughout the process, by sharing their initial concerns, working with the teachers and Inclusion Team to set and review targets. Parents also work with outside agencies, sharing important information and developing strategies on how best to support their children. Our Inclusion Team is here to liaise between pupils, parents, staff and outside agencies to support our children who have specific educational needs or disabilities.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Jenni Constable and she can be contacted via the Inclusion email detailed above.
Please see our Parent Bulletin Board for further support and information
Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP)
This refers to the support that all Wandsworth schools, early years and post 16 settings should be able to provide for children/young people including those with SEND from within their own resources.
“The Local Authority must set out in this Local Offer an authority-wide description of the special educational and training provision it expects to be available in its area”
The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s policy for pupils with SEND. The information is updated annually and what is required within this is set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Please see here our latest SEND Information Report which tells you how our Inclusion policy is used and how the help and support for pupils with SEND works at St Michael's.
In addition to this we have also included a link to Wandsworth's Local Offer which includes details of the provision available for children with special educational needs and disabilities both inside and outside the Wandsworth Borough.