St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
Inclusion Newsletters
Please see links below to our Inclusion Newsletters
Secondary Transfer Information
For Children who have an Education, Health, Care Plan and are in Year 5
Children with EHCP do not apply for secondary schools through the typical application process. Instead, the Special Needs Assessment Section (SNAS) ask you for your preferences and then consult with schools on your behalf. Pupils with an EHCP do not have to sit the Wandsworth Secondary Admissions test.
Please see the attached document for further information: Moving from Primary to Secondary with an EHCP
Wandsworth Emotional and Mental Health Services
Everyone is on a journey through Well-Being. Open up and let's start your well-being journey. Please click on the link to see a leaflet with advice and help Wandsworth Emotional and Mental Health Services
Wandsworth Safeguarding Children
Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is jointly led by the Police, Clinical Commissioning Group and the Council. We are responsible for protecting children and young people in Wandsworth from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and promoting their welfare. Website Link
Wandsworth Safety Net
A leaflet issued by Wandsworth which gives details of their independent domestic violence and abuse service provided by Victim Support.
National Sleep Helpline
Poor sleep can affect anyone and it can be a major stress for parents whose own sleep can be impaired by their children's difficulties getting to sleep, staying asleep or staying in their own bed, leading to greater stress.
Having a sleep issue is surprisingly common. At any given time this affects up to 40% of adults and 50% of children (this rises to 80% with a AEND diagnosis). These problems are typically persistent and do not resolve themselves without focused support.
The National Sleep Helpline helps anyone with sleep issues including adults, parents and young people. The helpline is available from 7pm and 9pm, Sunday to Thursday on 03303 530 541.
Young Minds
Young Minds has a wealth of practical advice and tips on supporting your child which includes how to help them communicate their worries and anxieties. They also have a Parents Helpline who can provide advice and support if you're worried about a child or young person.
Follow this link: Young Minds
Wandsworth Information, Advice and Support Service (WIASS)
Information Advice Support Service for parents/carers of children with AEN/disability provides an impartial and confidential service to all parents of children with AEND. Visit their website at WIASS or 0208 871 8061
The Wandsworth Parents' Forum
“Positive Parent Action” works with the Council to improve all provision for children and young people with AEN and Disabilities aged 0 to 25. If you want to get involved in influencing services visit their website at Wandsworth Parents' Forum or 0208 947 5260
Local Offer
More information about the School's Local Offer of services and support for children and young people with additional educational needs and disabilities in Wandsworth can be found on:
Thrive Online and
Parent Information
At St. Michael's we place the partnership with parents as very high and we value this engagement from the moment a child joins our school to the point when they transfer to Key Stage 3. We have a number of points throughout the year where we put in place opportunities to speak to, inform and get feed back from our parents.
Please see below the results of the survey taken in June 2022:
Inclusion Consultation Days
We feel it is very important to ensure that parents are kept informed of their child’s progress and development from the start of the academic year and through each subsequent term. The dates below outline our Consultation Days when you will have the opportunity to meet with the teacher and Inclusion Manager to discuss the provision and targets for your child.
Inclusion Consultation Days for Parents and Carers take place once a Term and are run virtually through a virtual Google Meet - a telephone appointment can be arranged if necessary.
SEN Plans are available to Parents on the Edukey system, which outlines the support that will be provided along with the children's targets. These will be discussed at the meeting.
The impact of these meetings is clear and positive. Children will discuss their provision and targets with their teachers and support staff prior to the meeting and should also be encouraged to discuss this with their parents.
Parents are informed about timings and the amount and length of the focused sessions, and Class Teachers and Support Staff all have the same plans for each child who will be receiving support.
Parents are overwhelming positive about these meetings and their involvement is greatly valued.
Details of these appointments will be sent out to you prior to these dates.
Spring 2024
Day 1 - Monday 11th March 2024 PM
Day 2 - Tuesday 12th March 2024 PM
Day 3 - Monday 18th March 2024 PM
Day 4 - Tuesday 19th March 2024 PM
Due to the in-person parents evenings which are on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st March Inclusion are going to run virtual appointments only.
Used the attached link to view available appointments: Booking Form
Additional Helpful Links
What is Mindfulness?
Body Scan Meditation:
Adaptive Yoga for Kids:
Sensory Brain Break Activity Cards:
Wandsworth Wellbeing Wheel:
Meet Olle, a virtual friend developed by parent zone and funded by BBC Children in Need’s ‘A Million and Me’ initiative. Aimed at 8-11 year olds and their parents Ollee helps families talk about difficult topics.
Click the link: Parent Zone – Ollee
Wandsworth Children & Young People’s Wellbeing Service deliver individual programmes to support parents with children who are showing signs of anxiety or worry, or experiencing behavioural difficulties. They offer strategies and tools to help you support your child and feel more confident in responding to your child’s behaviour. If you are interested in accessing their support contact