St. Michael's CE School

Working Together For The Good Of All

“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”


The School Maintenance Fund is a vital element in ensuring that St. Michael’s CE School is a safe, well-equipped and pleasant environment for the children and staff.

The money is collected on an annual basis by the school and is held and managed by the Board of  Governors which has charitable status. It is used to pay for the school insurances and makeup short-falls in spending on maintaining and improving the school.

This School Maintenance Fund is totally independent of the PTA funds and the School Budget and the monies are used for different purposes.

As we are a Voluntary Aided Church School, the Board of Governors is responsible for the school buildings and other capital works including the playgrounds and ICT infrastructure.

The Department for Education provide a grant of 90% towards work which is the Board of Governor's liability, but we, the Board of Governors, are responsible for raising the remaining 10% of the cost of any capital work. Therefore if capital works cost £20,000 the Board of Governors can claim a grant of £18,000 but will have to fund the remaining £2,000. We do this mainly by asking for contributions from parents/carers. We have not increased the contribution amount for this forthcoming year.

The maintenance fund contributions for 2023-2024 academic year is  as follows