St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
The previous Inspection reports can be accessed by clicking on the links below.
We recognise that the reports are not as recent but reassure visitors that the all aspects of leadership and management, the quality of education, personal development and wellbeing and finally behaviour and attitudes remain consistently high across all aspects of our school.
In addition to the above reports, the school has termly visits from the assigned Local Authority School Link Advisor. Their role is to guide, support, challenge and advise the school as well as to monitor the progress the pupils are making and report back to the Local Authority Education Committee.
Our Link Inspector comes in on a termly basis to review the main aspects under the Ofsted framework. As a school we find these visits invaluable as part of the challenge to ensure we are reflecting upon what we do as a school and move forward.