St. Michael's Church of England School
Love - Serve - Grow
"Working together for the good of all"
1st Monday of the Month Monitoring & Quality Assurance – Safeguarding – Leadership Safeguarding Team
The ‘1st Monday of the Month’ monitoring takes place on the 1st Monday of each month during the academic year .
We ensure the safeguarding policies, systems and procedures are compliant with the statutory regulations. There are regular monitoring checks by the Senior Leadership and Middle Leaders (Phase Leaders) of those pupils who have been recognised as requiring additional pastoral monitoring.
All members of the Senior Leadership Team are aware of those on the 'Vulnerable Index'. Safeguarding monitoring is an item on all in school staff meeting agenda in order to ensure that it remains central in all that we do and reaffirming that all staff, through the regular monitoring and dissemination of information, are aware of the procedures, policies and systems.
1st of the Month Monitoring
There are a series of 1st of the month checks which take place to ensure school compliance. They are as follows:
1st Tuesday of the Month ’Safeguarding Single Central Record (SCR): The SCR is reviewed and monitored on a monthly basis and kept up to date as/when a new application for clearance is approved. This monitoring by members of the SLST involves checking those who have been uploaded onto the register as well as those who need to be reviewed to ensure compliance of all safer recruitment and Disclosure Barring Service checks.
1st of the Month Chair of Governors ‘Quality assurance check’: The Chair of the Board of Governors carries out a further quality assurance check after the 1st of the month SCR has been completed by the school. This second check ensures that policy and procedures are thoroughly reviewed and the school is challenged to be fully compliant.
1st of the Month Website Compliance Check: The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and members of the SLT carry out the 1st of the month check of the school website and Safeguarding tabs to ensure procedures and policy is up to date.
1st of the Month Pupil Voice: Each month the Phase Leaders ask a random sample a question relating to safeguarding. Please refer to the link to get an overview of their responses: Link
Safeguarding and Security Communication To Parents
Keeping parents informed of the safeguarding arrangements is very important as outlined in or school vision. We endeavour to parents informed of the systems, policy and procedures we have in place through regular communication and the termly Safeguarding Letter and also items on the Weekly Web Update.
Weekly Web Update (Includes items relating to keeping our children safe)