St. Michael's Church of England School

Love - Serve - Grow

"Working together for the good of all"


Quality Assurance -  Safeguarding - Looked after Children (LAC) & Internationally Adopted Previously Looked After Children (IAPLAC) 

At St. Michael’s we are fully committed to the well-being of all our pupils.  We do recognise that children who are designated as “Looked After Children (LAC)” including the  "Internationally Adopted Previously Looked After Children" (IAPLAC) due to their social circumstances may require additional support.  We have designated members of staff and Governors who oversee and support this area.

The Designated Teacher for LAC/IAPLAC at St. Michael’s CE School is Mrs Jenny Constable (SENDCo)

The Designated Governor Safeguarding and LAC/IAPLAC Lead at St. Michael’s CE School is Mr John Whitehouse (Co-Chair of the Board of Governors)

The designated LAC/IAPLAC Leads must:

Our School Policy

Department for Education Documents we adhere to