St. Michael's Church of England School

Love - Serve - Grow

"Working together for the good of all"


Quality Assurance - Safeguarding -  Safer Recruitment

At St. Michael’s CE School we adhere to the recommendations set out in the Department for Education document ‘Keeping Children Safe In Education” where it is stated:

“It is vital that schools and colleges create a culture of safe recruitment and, as part of that, adopt recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, (see KCSiE part three about safer recruitment). This part of the guidance describes in detail those checks that are, or may be, required for any individual working in any capacity at, or visiting, the school or college. Governing bodies and proprietors must act reasonably in making decisions about the suitability of the prospective employee based on checks and evidence including criminal record checks (DBS checks), barred list checks and prohibition checks together with references and interview information.”

To this end, the Leadership and Board of Governors of the school ensure that we have robust safer recruitment procedures in place. All aspects of safer recruitment are followed when appointing staff and Governors to any post / role at our school preventing the risk of allegations about adults who may be a risk to children working in our school.  Any issues that are identified prior to start are acted upon following the advice from our HR consultants and the Local Authority. 

The Headteacher, two designated governors, the School Business Manager, Acting Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher have up to date safer recruitment training (February 2022, March 2023 and November 2023).

The document below outlines the safer recruitment expectations and personnel who have received training.  It should also be read in conjunction with the Disclosure Barring Service tab on our school website.

Referral to the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS)

The school and Board of Governors is fully compliant with the recommendations as outlined in the document 'Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills: (August 2021)' and recognise that they have a legal obligation to have procedures in place to make a referral to the DBS "if a person in a regulated activity has been dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns or would have been removed had they not resigned."  The school  is fully compliant and  would seek advice from LADO before proceeding.

Wandsworth LADO Contact