St. Michael's CE School
Working Together For The Good Of All
“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”
As a school we are keen to develop our global links in partnership with our Foundation Church and so we are working with members of St. Michael’s Church to fundraise and support provision for a school in Kenya
By developing these global links in a contrasting country and part of the world, members of our school and Church community will be able to build up a ‘global partnership’ where the sharing of the Gospel values can be explored and shared and we can build up a school to school link. Below is an outline of the project.
Through working in partnership with the Church the school is creative and innovative in its provision of opportunities for the children ‘to explore situations of injustice and inequality so opening pupils’ horizons, giving them a concern for others.’ Furthermore the partnership with St. Michael’s Church is a demonstrative and practical expression of the school’s partnership with our local church community. The school community has established mutually beneficial global partnership links to schools in different parts of the world (previously Tanzania – developing a school) that are highly valued by adults and pupils alike.
Our Global Partnership: The Maasai Academy
Where: Southern Kenya
With whom: St. Michael’s Church & The Maasai Academy
The Project: Supporting the developing internet links with the Maasai Academy as a part of their school development.
Please click on the link below to find out more about the school
Here is an extract from an email from the leaders of the Maasai Academy:
“We are very excited to form a link with St Michael’s CE School. It will be two very different worlds meeting one another.
The Maasai Academy is in one of the most remote Maasai Communities near the Tanzanian border. Currently we have 220 children in the school.
To give you an idea of how remote it is – we are 3-4 hours’ drive from the nearest tarmac road or town. Most of the children in the school have never seen a tarmac road or been to a town. Almost all the children live in mud huts and their parents have never been to school themselves.
Communication is a challenge in this remote location. We might receive Mobile Phone connection in the months to come but we are not sure. From the RedTribe house we operate on Satellite Broadband which is quite expensive – around £85 a month for 30GB Data or £145 for 50GB Data a month.
The best place to find information on the Maasai Academy is on our website and also a Facebook Page
It will be possible to do video, pictures and email if we can get the school online.
Our main aim with the Maasai Academy is to deliver quality education and teach the children about Jesus.
Please let me know if you have any questions or want more information.
Best wishes,
Hennie & Becca Marais
Raising Funds for the Red Maasai Academy
To help the children keep this Global Partnership in mind, we have been raising funds to support the learning and well being of the pupils at the academy. During Lent 2022 the children and families of our school community were encouraged to sign up and get sponsorship for keeping fit. We raised over £4000 towards this worthy cause to support the academy. Our fundraising continues year on year and to date we have raised over £8000.