St. Michael's CE School

Working Together For The Good Of All

“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”


Our School Priorities

On this page, you will find the main priorities for the year and objectives/tasks set to achieve them. Different personnel monitor these priorities to see whether they need to be changed, to check we are ‘on track’ and to ensure they are being met.

The priorities and action points are outlined in individual subject action plans, which staff and Governors monitor. The priorities are divided according to the Ofsted evaluation areas.

Please follow the link to our school priorities below and also the celebrations we have to date relating to the priorities set.

Our School Development Plan 2023-2024 

Our School Development Plan is our constant checking and strategic plan that comes from our Self Evaluation Form (SEF). Our SEF evaluates how we felt we performed as a school in the previous academic year and our SDP sits under our SEF to make sure that we develop and meet our strategic  goals for the current academic year. Please refer below to the previous SDP and successes.

Our intention is to make our school’s Mission Statement and Vision real and to build on the successes in all areas from the previous year. As well as maintaining and embedding these targets, all areas, where applicable, will support children closing the gaps and support their wellbeing. We always take due regard to the need to: eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations as outlined in ‘The Equality Act 2010’.