St. Michael's CE School
Working Together For The Good Of All
“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”
At St. Michael’s Prayer forms an intrinsic part of our daily life. Pupils are well aware of the significance and importance of daily prayer through the class prayers and our school prayer. They are confident to be able to articulate ‘an informed and evaluative understanding of the value and use of prayer and reflection’ and throughout the school we have a central and Phase interactive prayer and reflection areas which include activities for pupils to complete on the subject of prayer and reflection and ways in which they can gain support.
Our School Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for our wonderful school that is building the foundation for our lives.
Please help St. Michael’s bring peace to the world and our community.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for our friendships. Please give us the strength to be good citizens all of the time.
We love the way you made our school, the staff and the children who learn here.
Help us to make the most of our education. Please bless our school.
Pupil Voice
“Our school prayer is important because it brings us together as a school community and it is something we all relate to for the reason we all contribute to St. Michael’s. Knowing it off by heart means a lot because when the whole school recites it we become united. Another reason that it is crucial to prayer is that we are a Church of England school and we use this time to thank all the teachers that do so much for us, It helps us to reflect and makes us feel closer to God, as we can concentrate on being thankful for everything that St. Michael’s gives us.”
“The School Prayer brings everyone together and we all know that we are praising God”.
Parent Voice:
Parents also recognise the importance of prayer in school as demonstrated in the following quotes from members of our Parent Prayer Group:
“St. Michael’s is distinctive as a church school because the children learn to pray in every situation, as a class, as a school and before meals. Their faith and their learning are brilliantly intertwined in everything they do.”
“I love that my daughter spends her day in a school where she is constantly reminded of Jesus. She has so many opportunities to express her faith and learn what it truly means to be a Christian.”
Prayer Beyond the School
Prayer extends beyond the school gates for our school community. We have an active Parents Prayer Group who meet each month to prayer for our school and the school community as a whole. This is an important strand to what makes our Church school so distinctive – it is a community and a family. A staff member is a link with the parents and the Prayer group and contributes to the prayers being offered.