St. Michael's CE School

Working Together For The Good Of All

“St. Michael’s Church of England School, established upon Christian foundations and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.”


At St. Michael’s, prayer forms an intrinsic part of our daily life. Pupils are well aware of the significance and importance of daily prayer through the class prayers and our school prayer.  They are confident to be able to articulate ‘an informed and evaluative understanding of the value and use of prayer and reflection’.

Throughout our school we have  a central and Phase interactive prayer and reflection areas which include activities for pupils to complete on the subject of prayer and reflection and ways in which they can gain support.

Our Outside Reflection and Prayer Area

After requests from some of our pupils, had an outside prayer area installed so that the children could stay outside whilst having time to reflect about their week, pray or just have some quiet times to be with others, their thoughts and God.

Our outside prayer area has lights, bible verses and cushions to make it a welcoming but reflective area that all the children can use, look after and take the time to reflect once inside.

Our Monday Kingdom for Kids

As a Church School, we feel that it is extremely important for the children to explore their faith in a personal, fun and interactive way and we are therefore very excited to be able to offer the opportunity for the children to do this during their lunchtime with Lord’s Club.

The club is run in partnership with St Michael’s Church by the Youth Work Team who also lead the weekly ‘Kingdom for Kids Club’ for children for the Middle and Upper Phases at lunchtime.  The club takes place on a Monday between 12:50-1:30pm and it is aimed at providing the opportunity for the children to find out more about what it means to be a Christian and to be friends with Jesus.  The children play lots of games, make some interesting crafts and look at cool stories in the Bible.

Why is Lord’s Club important? - Pupil Voice